Extract wifi password with python | complete project



As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, WiFi networks have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, ensuring the security of these networks is essential to protect sensitive data and maintain privacy. Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, offers a streamlined approach to analyze network security. One such task is extracting WiFi passwords from a computer, allowing administrators and security professionals to assess the strength of their network defenses.

In this article, we will explore how Python can be leveraged to extract WiFi passwords efficiently, providing valuable insights into network security. Python's extensive library ecosystem and its ability to interact with system commands make the process of extracting passwords automated and straightforward, saving time and effort.

The module that we are going to use in this code:

1. subprocess

Extract wifi profiles name: 


Extract wifi  passwords:


Below is the complete code:



  • 'subprocess.check_output(['netsh', 'wlan', 'show', 'profiles'])': This line executes the system command netsh wlan show profiles and captures the output.
  • '.decode('utf-8', errors="backslashreplace")': The captured output is decoded from bytes to a UTF-8 encoded string, allowing it to be processed as text. 
  • '.split('\n'):' The decoded string is split into a list based on newline characters, resulting in a list where each element represents a line of the output. 
  • 'profiles = [i.split(":")[1][1:-1] for i in data if "All User Profile" in i]': This list comprehension iterates through each line of the output and extracts the WiFi profile names by splitting the line at the colon (":") and removing any leading or trailing spaces. 
  • The subsequent for loop iterates through each extracted WiFi profile in the profiles list.
  • 'subprocess.check_output(['netsh', 'wlan', 'show', 'profile', i, 'key=clear'])': This command retrieves the detailed information for a specific WiFi profile by executing netsh wlan show profile <profile_name> key=clear. 
  • Similar to step 2, the captured output is decoded, split into a list, and processed to extract the password information.
  • The extracted device name (i) and password (passwords[0]) are printed to the console.The loop continues to the next WiFi profile, and the process is repeated until all profiles have been.

In conclusion, the provided code demonstrates an effective approach to extract WiFi passwords using Python and the subprocess module. By executing system commands and parsing the output, the code successfully retrieves WiFi profiles and their corresponding passwords.

The code begins by obtaining a list of WiFi profiles using the netsh wlan show profiles command. It then iterates through each profile, executing the netsh wlan show profile <profile_name> key=clear command to retrieve the password information.

Through the utilization of list comprehensions, the code extracts and prints the device name and password for each WiFi profile. This process enables network administrators to assess the security of their WiFi networks and identify potential vulnerabilities.

However, it is important to note that the extraction of WiFi passwords should be done responsibly and within legal boundaries. This code serves as a tool for network administrators to enhance security and should not be used for malicious purposes.

By leveraging the power of Python and its ability to interact with system commands, the code provides a valuable resource for network security analysis and facilitates the implementation of stronger security measures.

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