Wifi password extractor with python and tkinter GUI | Complete project



In our increasingly interconnected world, Wi-Fi networks have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, remembering the passwords associated with these networks can be a challenge, especially when dealing with multiple devices or visiting new locations. Fortunately, Python, a powerful and versatile programming language, coupled with the Tkinter library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs), provides an effective solution. By harnessing the capabilities of Python and Tkinter, developers can create a Wi-Fi password extractor with a user-friendly GUI, simplifying the process of retrieving forgotten Wi-Fi passwords. This innovative tool allows users to access the list of Wi-Fi profiles and their corresponding passwords stored on a Windows machine, making it convenient and efficient to retrieve forgotten passwords. The intuitive GUI designed using Tkinter provides a seamless experience, allowing users to navigate through the application and retrieve their Wi-Fi passwords with ease. Overall, creating a Wi-Fi password extractor with Python and Tkinter GUI empowers users to manage their Wi-Fi networks effortlessly, enhancing convenience and providing peace of mind in our wireless world.

Important libraries and modules that we are going to use in our project:

  • Tkinter
  • subprocess
  • sys

Importing libraries and modules:

Creating a simple GUI: 


Adding labels, frames, and buttons in our GUI:


Defining functions that we are going to use in our project:

Below is the complete code :


Code explanation:

  • The required modules are imported from the tkinter library, including the ttk module, which provides themed widgets, and the scrolledtext module for creating a scrollable text box.
  • The subprocess and sys modules are imported for executing system commands and redirecting standard output and error streams.
  • The Tk class is used to create the main window for the GUI.
  • The master window's properties, such as size, title, and background color, are set.
  • The Print_in_gui class is defined, which is responsible for redirecting the standard output to the GUI's text box.
  • The one() function is defined, which extracts Wi-Fi profiles and their passwords using the netsh command-line tool.
  • The redirect_logging() function sets up the redirection of standard output and error streams to the GUI's text box.
  • The blog() and youtube() functions are defined to open specific URLs in the default web browser.
  • Various labels, buttons, and the scrolled text box are created and placed in the GUI using the pack() or insert() methods.
  • The mainloop() function is called to start the GUI event loop.
When the "Extract Password" button is clicked, the redirect_logging() and one() functions are executed. The redirect_logging() function redirects the standard output to the GUI's text box, and the one() function uses the netsh command to extract Wi-Fi profiles and passwords. The retrieved information is then printed in the GUI's text box.

Additionally, the GUI includes buttons to open a blog and YouTube channel, as well as a label for attribution.

It's important to note that this code is specifically designed for Windows systems, as it utilizes the netsh command-line tool, which is primarily available on Windows.

In conclusion, the provided code demonstrates the creation of a Wi-Fi password extractor with a Python and Tkinter GUI. By utilizing the netsh command-line tool, the code retrieves Wi-Fi profiles and their associated passwords from a Windows machine. The GUI interface, built using Tkinter, provides a user-friendly experience with buttons for extracting passwords, accessing a blog, and visiting a YouTube channel.

The code effectively redirects the standard output to the GUI's text box, allowing the retrieved Wi-Fi information to be displayed within the interface. This functionality simplifies the process of managing Wi-Fi networks and eliminates the need to manually retrieve and record passwords.

It's worth noting that this code is tailored specifically for Windows systems due to its reliance on the netsh command-line tool. Adapting it for other operating systems would require modifications to the underlying commands and functionalities.

Overall, the code showcases the potential of Python and Tkinter for creating a convenient and efficient Wi-Fi password extractor with a graphical user interface. It serves as a starting point for developers looking to build similar tools or enhance their understanding of Python GUI development.

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