QR Code Generation with qrcode Library:
Generating a QR Code:
Code explanation:
In the code above, we import the
qrcode module, which provides the necessary functionality for generating QR
codes. The generate_qr_code function takes two arguments: data, which
represents the information to be encoded in the QR code, and filename, which
specifies the name of the output image file.
The qrcode.QRCode class is instantiated with specific parameters:
- version: This parameter controls the size of the QR code. Higher values result in larger QR codes with more data capacity. In the code snippet, we set it to 1, which represents the smallest version.
- error_correction: QR codes can handle varying levels of damage and errors. We set the error correction level to ERROR_CORRECT_L, which provides the lowest level of error correction.
- box_size: This parameter determines the size of each box (or "module") in the QR code. In this case, we set it to 10 pixels.
- border: The border parameter defines the width of the white border around the QR code. A value of 4 means there will be four modules of white space around the QR code.
Next, we add the data to be encoded using the add_data method of the qr_code object. In this case, we pass the data argument provided to the generate_qr_code function.
After adding the data, we call the
make method with fit=True to automatically adjust the size of the QR code to
fit the data.
Finally, we save the generated QR
code image to the specified filename using the save method.
In this article, we explored how to generate QR codes using
Python and the qrcode library. We discussed the code